

  • 6 supplements for healthy joints

    Many people take supplements to support joint health. Some take them to relieve current joint pain, while others take them to prevent pain from developing.

    Source: Medical News Today

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  • Treatment and Recovery Time for MCL Tears

    The medial collateral ligament (MCL) on the inner side of the knee is most often torn when there is a force that strikes the outside of the knee. The MCL attempts to resist widening of the joint and tears if the force is too great. When this happens, you face a recovery time of weeks to months, depending on the grade of the MCL tear.

    Source: Verywell Health

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  • Helpful or harmful? Weighing last resorts before knee surgery

    You've tried nearly everything for your worn-out knee. But the remaining possibilities may include some risky options.

    Source: Harvard Health Publishing

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  • Kneecap Dislocation

    A dislocation of the kneecap occurs when the patella comes completely out of its groove on the end of the thigh bone (femur), and comes to rest on the outside of the knee joint. Kneecap dislocations usually occur as a significant injury the first time the injury occurs, but the kneecap may dislocate much more easily thereafter.

    Source: Verywell Health

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  • With Total Knee Arthroplasty, Timing Is Everything

    The surgery can effectively provide pain relief and restore function, but the timeliness of the procedure is critical: Patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) who keep putting off surgery may end up with so much joint degeneration that they do not experience significant improvement when they finally undergo TKA, while those who have the procedure prematurely may see only minimal benefit.

    Source: ICJR

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